
Webinar: The Policing Machine: Enforcement, Endorsements & the Illusion of Public Input

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The Policing Machine shows how police departments build community relationships and leverage the political capital gained through them to resist institutional reforms.  It draws on ethnographic data on America’s largest police department, the NYPD, and concludes that the community relationships that already exist are precisely what is impeding police transformation. The input will be given by As. Prof Tony Cheng, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Duke University.

This Webinar is part of the webinar series featuring esteemed speakers, comprising both young minds and experienced researchers, focusing on diverse topics about crime, communities, and place in spatial, network, and temporal contexts. The series is an international collaboration between the American Society of Criminology’s Division of Communities and Place (DCP) and the Network Safe Places at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. This webinar is a join initiative between Safeplaces Network and ASC Division of Community and Places.

The webinar will take place on May 9th, 2024.

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